Fundraising Mission – Why we do it and who it helps
Main Beach Volleyball Club teaches and supports volleyball players with a wide variety of volleyball skill sets. We also recognize the value of team sports and the life lessons learned on the court; teamwork, collaboration and communication skills. These are life lessons every athlete takes with them and leverages at home, at play and in their future careers.
In 2006 Main Beach Volleyball Club recognized there were volleyball players in our community who were not able to participate in club volleyball due to the cost. Our coaches could see the potential and the drive they had and recognized that the expense of playing would place a burden on the family. The Main Beach Board of Directors was determined not to overlook these potential players and offered financial aid to families in need. For the players and their families that receive this support, it is an opportunity that will open doors for them later in life.
Main Beach Volleyball Club is a California non-profit, and all donations are tax deductible. Note that scholarships are awarded by a committee of board and community members who examine applicants financial information to insure that funds go to the players most in need.
Scholarship Fund
Help provide scholarships to those in need by making a donation to the Main Beach Volleyball Club Scholarship Fund.

“Main Beach Volleyball Club entered my life in a time where I didn't know how much I needed it. That whole year of my life was exceedingly difficult for many reasons including family turmoil, and attending a new school. I was enlisted in the foster system, and therefore did not have the financial ability to pay for a club volleyball team. However, Main Beach offered me the unique opportunity to play for them under a scholarships run by donations.
During the season that I played for Main Beach my team and I qualified to go to the Junior National Tournament in New Orleans, Louisiana. Beneath my immense excitement, I was plagued with worrying about how I was ever going to be able to pay for the trip. After months of working hard, and fundraising I still did not have enough money to make it to the tournament. However, after practice one day I received an anonymous donation which made it possible for me to go on the trip to Louisiana with the rest of my team.
Being able to go to Louisiana for the Volleyball Junior National Championships still, and will always be, one of the most precious memories I possess. Not only was the trip to Louisiana an amazing journey, it was also a pivot point in my life that showed hope, and the positive outcome that will result from hard work.
I am now in my sophomore year at Oregon State University and majoring in Agricultural Business. I would someday like to be able to help a player as I was helped by Main Beach. I will be forever grateful for have been given the opportunity to play for this club.
Volleyball has always been an outlet for me throughout life, and I have loved using it as a channel to grow through. The culture and shelter that Main Beach has provided to me I will forever be grateful to; along with the people that have entered my life because of it. I am so grateful for the boost that was given to me to accomplish what I have set out to do. The difference that these donations made in my life has not gone unnoticed, and I can guarantee that the other children your donations help will feel equally as grateful. I send the deepest of thank yous to Main Beach Volleyball Club, and its donors for truly helping to better my life.”
“I have been been thinking about how much my life has changed over the past six months. I graduated in June. So, since then I worked all summer, went to college in Seattle and had to come home because the school was far too expensive and am now at Cabrillo.
I wanted to email you because I am so grateful so everything you and all the coaches and people I met through Main Beach. I may not talk to everyone all the time, but playing for Main Beach allowed me create connections with the girls I played with and the coaches that wouldn’t have been possible anywhere else. I still miss playing everyday, and wish I could again.
Everything you guys taught about being part of a team has left such a mark in my life and has helped my in every aspect of my life. I may not be a part of Main Beach anymore, but I’m so thankful to you guys. For helping me be able to pay when I couldn’t afford it. It was the best part of my adolescent years and I will be forever grateful to you guys. Thank you for your never-ending kindness, generosity and understanding.
Thank you again”
How to Give
Donating is easy, tax deductible and a wonderful investment in a young volleyball player’s future.

Or send your contribution to:
Main Beach Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 683, Capitola, CA 95010.
Write "Scholarship Fund" in the memo field of your check. You can also designate the funds are to go specifically to the Girls or Boys program.